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03-06 16:56:48   浏览次数:552  栏目:九年级英语教学设计
标签:九年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 2017年沈阳市中考英语模拟试题,
D Is it time to get MP3? Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored in your PC if they're in the MP3 format.  

www.lexue88.com   (     ) 47. How can you get MP3 music? A. By turning your home PC into a jukebox. B. By taking your own music or songs with you. C. By copying songs to a PC through the speakers. D. By downloading from Websites. (     ) 48. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word "burn"? A. Record.             B. Play.                 C. Change.          D. Download. (     ) 49. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. Software to turn MP3 music is often free. B. Mp3 music can be “turned”onto blank CDs. C. Mp3 music can be taken along while traveling. D. A blank CD to record music costs about $40.   B)阅读与排序 阅读一篇短文,第一段和最后一段已经给出,请对中间4个自然段进行重新排序,并将其字母序号按顺序填入题前的括号内。       第二部分   非选择题 (四大题;共90分)   四.阅读与回答问题(共15小题, 每小题2 分;满分30 分)    阅读下列短文,然后根据其内容回答问题。 A PANSY One basic way of improving your memory is to use the link method. If you want to memorize something, you must make a "picture". If the picture is silly, strange and colorful, you will remember it better. For example, I'm trying to remember the word "smiles". An easy way to do this is to imagine there is a "mile" between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world! MILLIE Memory is connected with our feelings. For example, if someone says "This is a spider," and then puts a large spider on your hand, you will probably remember the word "spider"! When some dramatic things happen, we usually remember them well, and we also remember where we were and what we were doing. For example, 98% of older people in the USA can remember where they were when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963. 54. What method did the writer use to remember the word "smiles"? __________________________________________________________________ 55. What did Millie mainly talk about in her article? __________________________________________________________________ 56. What happened to John F Kennedy in 1963? __________________________________________________________________   B            Miley Ray Cyrus was born on November 23, 1992. She is an actress and singer-songwriter. Cyrus is better known for starring(主演) in the TV show Hannah Montana.        Cyrus became very known after Hannah Montana first appeared in March 2006. Following the success of the show, in October 2006, a CD was released(发行). She sang eight songs from the show on the CD. In December 2007, she was 17th in the list of "Forbes Top Twenty Superstar Earners under the age of 25". She was making US$3.5 million a year. As of December 2007, she was working on a movie about Hannah Montana, titled Hannah Montana. The movie was shown on April 10, 2009.

www.lexue88.com        Cyrus's music career began with the release of her first album(唱片), Meet Miley Cyrus, on June 23, 2007. Her second album, Breakout, was released on July 22, 2008. Breakout was Cyrus's first album that had nothing to do with Hannah Montana. In 2008, Cyrus was listed among other artists as one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential(有影响力的) People in the World. 57. Cyrus isn't an old woman, is she? _____________________________________________________________________ 58. When did Cyrus start playing Hannah Montana? _____________________________________________________________________ 59. What was the name of Cyrus's second album? _____________________________________________________________________ 60. If you want to enjoy all the songs in Hannah Montana, which album should you buy? _____________________________________________________________________   C        Soldiers were in an old, wooden building today when the roof collapsed. The building is on a large, empty plain ten kilometers from the nearest town. Nine of the soldiers escaped, but one soldier could not get out. One rescue worker from the army talked to our news team.       "We have just rescued the soldier! At first, we couldn't open the windows because they were all closed securely. However, we got in through a window. It was difficult to get beyond the window because wood from the roof blocked the way. We finally found the soldier. He was unconscious so we dragged him out of the building. The main thing is he was not seriously hurt.''        The police are looking for a man. The man disappeared after a lucky day. He won a lot of money from horse racing. On the same day, he succeeded in getting the right numbers in the lottery. Including the lottery, he won several million US dollars. The police do not know what happened to the man. They say perhaps criminals captured him and seized his money, or maybe he decided to celebrate by taking a world trip. 61. How far is the building that soldiers were in? _____________________________________________________________________ 62. Who told the news story to our news team? _____________________________________________________________________ 63.The soldier who couldn't get out at first wasn't seriously hurt, was he? _____________________________________________________________________ 64. How muchmoney did the man win in all? _____________________________________________________________________  

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