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03-06 16:56:48   浏览次数:552  栏目:九年级英语教学设计
标签:九年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 2017年沈阳市中考英语模拟试题,
  二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)   阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。并将其字母序号填入题前的括号内。

www.lexue88.com Ian Scott Wilson, 13, studies at a middle school in the US. He thinks kids don't __21__ enough respect from the grown-up world. "Kids are usually ignored by adults", he said. They say: "That's a ___22___ idea. You can't do that." That's why he took part in a national __23__ for student made ducumentaries. He wanted to be heard. A documentary is a film or TV show that __24__ a serious issue. Ian had never made one and wanted to try. Ian made a __25__ film about problems at Walter Reed, a hospital in Washington. He won first __26__ in the competition for middle school students. Walter Reed is taking care of many injured __27__ of the Iraq war. Earlier this year, reports said that the hospital had problems. For example, some said the rooms were __28__. Ian paid much attention __29__ the issue because his 23-year-old brother is a soldier in Iraq. "I thought about how terrible it would be __30__ these things happened to my brother," Ian said. "It was that feeling that helped make Ian's film __31__ out", said Joanne Wheeler. Wheeler helped run the competition. "Ian was very passionate, but he was __32__ a good listener." Ian interviewed 100 people for the __33__. He reported on what was wrong. But he also __34__ on efforts to fix the problems. Ian got a prize of $1,000. He decided to give the money to an __35__ soldier staying in the hospital. (      )21. A. get                     B. take                          C. make                       D. release (      )22. A. good                   B. silly                          C. surprising                 D. exciting (      )23. A. meeting               B. competition              C. lecture                      D. interview (      )24. A. talks                    B. tells                         C. says                         D. speaks (      )25. A. 10-minute            B. 10-minutes               C. 10-minute's               D. 10-minutes' (      )26. A. room                   B. place                        C. area                         D. price (      )27. A. doctors                B. nurses                      C. soldiers                    D. engineers

www.lexue88.com (      )28. A. clean                   B. unclean                    C. polite                       D. impolite (      )29. A. on                       B. in                            C. to                            D. at (      )30. A. if                        B. so                            C. when                       D. while (      )31. A. take                     B. put                          C. work                        D. stand (      )32 A. also                      B. either                       C. both                         D. all (      )33. A. contest                B. hospital                    C. agreement                 D. film (      )34. A. reported               B. wrote                       C. put                          D. held (      )35. A. ill                         B. injured                     C. amazing                   D. interesting  

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