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高中英语选修六Unit3 A A Healthy Life  示范课例

11-07 14:56:20   浏览次数:409  栏目:高二英语教学设计
标签:高二英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 高中英语选修六Unit3 A A Healthy Life  示范课例,
Listening and Talking Step 1 Lead in用时1至2分钟 T: Class, it’s almost the end of this term. The final exam is around the corner. You must feel a lot of stress. S: Yes… T: I agree. We often feel some stress in our daily life. If it’s serious, we’ll go to a doctor.   Step 2  Listening用时15分钟 1. Pre-listening: Study the Medical Chart:

                       Medical Chart

  o            Name: __________    Age: __________ o            Occupation: _________________________ o            Today’s date: ________________________ o            Symptoms: __________________________ o            Possible problem: _____________________ o            Proposed action: ______________________     T: Today we’ll listen to a conversation between a doctor and a student, Li Yue. Li Yue is in her final year of high school and she felt sick all the time, so she visited the doctor. Now isten and complete the Medical Chart. In the chart, you find the following information: the atient’s name, age, occupation (occupation means job, so what’s Li Yue’s occupation?), ate, symptoms (symptoms show you are having certain illness. For example, a high emperature is a symptom of having a bad cold.), possible problem, proposed problem. that’s the doctor’s suggestions) T: What do doctors usually do to find out your health problems? S: Usually doctors ask some questions…….or suggest a physical test. T: Yes, a doctor usually suggests you take a medical examination, that is a physical test, to find what is wrong with you. 2. While-listening: T: Now, listen and you find out what Li Yue’s problem is? T: What’s Li Yue’s problem? S: Stress. T: Yes, Stress. What is stress? S: Stress is what we feel when we… T: Yes, stress is when your life is out of balance, you feel upset and tired. If you are always stressed out, you’ll find it hard to get things done. T: Now let’s listen again. This time let’s focus on the symptoms. (That is what makes the doctor think Li Yue is suffering from stress). And the suggestions should be paid attention to as well. You take notes.… (Stop if necessary allowing students time to write the necessary information) S: headaches, tired all the time, not sleeping or eating well. T: For the proposed action, generally, the doctor suggst she do two things. S: Do some tests. T: Is it necessary to do the physical tests? S: Yes, we’d better take a physical test in case there is something wrong with our body. S: Find ways to relax. (3 听得必要性) 3. Post-listening: T: Do you agree with the doctor that Li Yue’s problem is related to stress? Why? S: Yes. Li Yue is a senior high school student so she would…..She also doesn’t take time off to relax, and this would increase her stress level. but it is good that the doctor is doing some tests in case there is something else wrong with her. T: Could you give Li Yue some suggestions? What can she do to help herself? S: She could take some time away from her studies each day to relax. She should make up a timetable for herself which says when should study and when to take time to relax. it’s not a good a good idea to slip meals…She could talk to an adult about her stress.. She should go out with her friends sometimes and have some fun. T: So the best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life. Step3Talking:(用时25分钟) T: Obviously, stress is a common problem. How does stress affect your health? 1至2分钟 S: They could have headaches or stomachaches. Their muscles might be tense. They will feel tired and they might not feel like doing anything. They may find it difficult to concentrate or to study. Recently, I feel stressed out and I watched a movie, Kongfu Panda. I’ve learned a lot from it. Let’s share a part of it. 1. Watch the Video (2) Kongfu Panda 2至3分钟 T: What made Panda worried? S: He was much too concerned about the outside. 2. A Stress Level Test:(5分钟) T: Since stress will have such bad effects on our health. We’d better know your stress level. Now let’s take a test on stress level. Is there any volunteer who wants to test your stress level? S: … (Two or three volunteers) T: Here I’ve got ten symptoms which will tell whether you’re having stress? Volunteers, or each symptom that you have, you take one step forward. (The closest one to the teachers or suffering the most stress) And the rest of us, let’s make marks and add them up so that at last we’ll know how many we get. Is that clear? 1.           You go to the toilet frequently before the exam. 2.           You don’t want to eat or each too much. 3.           Your heart is beating fast when you’re called on in class. 4.           You feel guilty when you watch TV or go out to play. 5.           You have sweating palms. 6.           You have a dry mouth. 7.           You easily get annoyed. 8.           You think your future is insecure. 9.           You often suffer from headaches. 10.       You find it hard to fall asleep. (备选) You lost interest in the things that you enjoyed in the past. You often forget where you put things. You’re not getting along well with your parents. You have bad face skin. You don’t feel like getting up in the morning.) (内容和顺序的科学和趣味性) T: How many times did you step forward? Anybody got more than…? Hey, It seems that you’re not taking good care of yourself. If you don’t mind, can you tell us what’s troubling you? S: I have lots of homework to do, and the exam is coming, so I’m afraid I can’t do well as my parents have expected…. (T: Is there anybody who got none of these symptoms? S: … T: How did you keep the balance between study and relaxation? (What do you think of the stressful situations like endless exams, heavy homework and competitions?) S: … T: When you find you are under stress, how do you deal with it? Do you choose to ignore it or fight against it? S: I try to do sth. to lower my stress level, because stress makes me feel bad. T: Yes, when we find we are worried or upset about things, we’d better do sth. before the stressful feelings get out of control. Then how can we get out of stress or lower the level of it? 3. Task-based talking activities: 15

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,高中英语选修六Unit3 A A Healthy Life  示范课例
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