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高中英语必修二Module2 Unit4 Wildlife Protection 听读课教学设计

11-07 14:56:20   浏览次数:945  栏目:高一英语教学设计
标签:高一英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 高中英语必修二Module2 Unit4 Wildlife Protection 听读课教学设计,
的故事,旨在让学生在听力过程中更深刻的认识到人类的贪婪、虚伪与残忍的一面。 Step 7 Language points-链接高考(5 minutes) 1. How do you think the human race ___? A came up      B came up with    C came into being    D was come into being 2. Others think the earth got_____ hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more. A. enough      B too             C. very             D. so 3. Too many species_____ in the past 20 years. A. disappeared B have disappeared C. were disappeared D. have been disappeared 4.____the school rules, students are not allowed to wear long hair. A. According to  B. Apart from     C. As a result of       D. Belonging to 5. I don’t like the way ____ you treat her. A. which       B. in that         C. how              D. in which 设计说明:让学生在回读所学内容的基础上,自主学习探究,加深理解,必要时求助同伴,知道在遇到困难时,如何获得帮助,不要把老师当作唯一的依赖对象。最后,老师会精讲点拨,提高课堂效率。 Step 8视频:走进科学探索恐龙灭亡之谜6之自我毁灭的霸主(6 minutes) If human beings continue doing harm to the ecosystem, next step, the endangered animals will become extinct ,What about us human beings? Please watch…. 设计说明:使学生深刻思考,如果人类不反思自己的行为及树立与自然和谐相处的意识,那么,人类作为当今世界的“霸主”,还能走多远呢?也就是,使学生认识到野生动物保护的重要性和紧迫性。

www.lexue88.com Step 9 Checking yourself(5 minutes) 1.       What have you learned about animal protection in this period? 2.       What do you think of your reading speed ? How to improve it? 3.       Why can you/can’t you get the main idea of reading or listening fast? 4.       What problem do you have in understanding detailed information? 5.       Were the online materials you get useful? Why? 设计说明:通过对学习内容掌握程度的自评,鼓励学生自我反思和自我提高。 Step 10 Homework How do the human beings, animals and plants live together? What can /should we do to protect the endangered animals and plants ? 设计说明:布置作业也要讲究其有效性。这部分作业既是课堂教学的延伸,又是为下一课时的写作“如何保护动物”做铺垫。 教学反思 “双主” 教学模式创设问题情境和学法指导进行教学有利于增强学生学习英语的兴趣和巩固双基,培养学生自主学习的能力,使学生在教师的指导下,能主动利用尽可能多的学习资源辅助学习。同时,教师在在教学中渗透了情感、态度及价值观的教育并加强培养学生的认知策略、调控策略与交际策略以提高学习效率。所以,教师是课改成败的关键,只有教师根据新课标理念整合教材,设计创新而符合学生需要的教学模式,学生的学习动力和能力才会保持或不断提高。

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,高中英语必修二Module2 Unit4 Wildlife Protection 听读课教学设计
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