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Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计

11-07 14:56:20   浏览次数:387  栏目:高一英语教学设计
标签:高一英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计,
2.How do you keep a friend? (treat someone like you want to be treated)

3.What is a good friend? (somebody whom you can depend on)

4.What if your friend said they wouldn’t be your friend if you were another person’s friend? (That “friend” would not mind if she were really your friend.)

★ “True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”--- Charles Caleb Colton

★ “A friend is one who walks in when others walk out”---Walter Winchell

★“A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.” --- Lysha

★ “The better part of one's life consists of his friendships.”--- Abraham Lincoln

★“Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.” --- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

★“Friendship is the golden ribbon that ties the world together.” ---Kristina Kentigian

★ “Friends are the sunshine of life.” ---John Hay

★ A friend in need is a friend indeed.

II. Tips on being a good friend

※ Treat your friends the way you want to be treated.

※ Keep secrets that are told to you.

※ Pay attention when your friend is talking.

※ Keep your promises.

※ Share things with your friend.

※ Tell your friend the truth.

※ Stick up for your friend.

III. What kind of friend are you?

1.  If your friend tells you a secret that isn’t bad but you promised not to tell anyone, you will________.

 A.  tell everyone                 B.  keep the promise


2.  If you know your friend is planning to cheat on a test, you will________.

A.   tell your teacher                B.   let your friend cheat

C.   help your friend study for the test so she won't feel she needs to cheat

3.  If your friend tells you a secret and it may cause his or her death, you will________.

A.  tell a trusted adult   B.  keep it a secret C.  tell your friends

You may print this sheet and answer the questions.  Then discuss the answers with your friends.

A true friendship should:

☉encourage you to live your dream.

☉support you toward your goals.

☉sympathize for your losses and help you find a silver lining.

☉build your self-esteem.

If happiness and life-satisfaction are your goals, your friends should be chosen on the basis of how well they can accomplish those four goals.

Happiness is a personal choice that comes from within. But, as the friendship poem says, it surely doesn’t hurt to have supportive friendships that help us achieve our goals.

IV. Self-reflection upon friendship

Read the following statements and then tick Yes (√) or No( ×) to show your opinions upon friendship.

1. Friendship is very important to me.

2. I have a lot of friends.

3. There can be true friendship between a schoolboy and a schoolgirl.

4. I am very kind to my friends.

5.           I think everyone should have friends.


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,Unit 1 Friendship(I)教学设计
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