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04-06 17:31:24   浏览次数:956  栏目:英语三级考试
标签:大学英语三级试题,英语三级考试试题,http://www.lexue88.com 2007年6月英语三级考试B级真题及答案(4),

  Task 3
  Directions: The following is an instruction of writing a trip report. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in no more than 3 words in the table below.
  Trip Reports
  Many companies require their employees to hand in reports of their business trips. A trip report not only provides a written record of a business trip and its activities,but also enables many employees to benefit from the information one employee has gained.
  Generally,a trip report should be in the form of a memorandum(内部通知) ,addressed to your immediate boss. The places and dates of the trip are given on the subject line. The body of the report will explain why you made the trip,whom you visited,and what you did. a brief account of each major event. You needn’t give equal space to each event. Instead,you should focus on the more important events. Follow the body of the report with a conclusion.
  A Trip Report
  Reported by:an employee back from a business trip
  Addressed to:his or her immediate -46-
  Used for:
  1.serving as a written record
  2.giving helpful -47- that can be shared by others
  Written in the form of:a -48-
  Information to be included in the report:
  1.the places and dates of the trip on -49-
  2.major event(s) -50- of the report
  答案:46.boss 47.information 48.memorandum 49.the subject line 50.body
  Task 4
  Directions: The following is a list of terms used in railroad services. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.
  Task 4
  A—information desk
  B—ticket office
  C—half fare ticket
  D—waiting room
  E—excess baggage charge
  F—baggage check-in counter
  G—security check
  H—platform underpass
  I—ticket agent
  J—departure board
  K—railroad track
  L—traffic light
  M—railroad crossing
  N—soft sleeping car
  O—hard sleeping car
  P—hard seat
  Examples:(Q) 行李认领处 (E) 超重行李费
  51.( ) 硬座 ( ) 软卧
  52.( ) 开车时间显示牌 ( ) 信号灯
  53.( ) 站台地下通道 ( ) 候车室
  54.( ) 问询处 ( ) 安全检查
  55.( ) 半价票 ( ) 售票处
  答案:51.P,N 52.J,L 53.H,D 54.A,G 55.C,B

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