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04-06 17:31:05   浏览次数:928  栏目:英语三级考试
标签:大学英语三级试题,英语三级考试试题,http://www.lexue88.com 2011北京地区普通高等学校英语统一考试试题(2),


Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

    In Africa we experience enormous problems of underdevelopment, illiteracy, massive internal and external debts, population explosion, high mortality rates(死亡率), etc.(4) All these and similar problems have been known for a long time and need no restatement. What needs to be stated is that while the larger society to which one belongs is suffering from these mentioned problems, there is no way enjoyment of individual freedom and human rights will lead to self-fulfillment, to full self-realization, to a life of dignity(尊严)and self-respect, in short, to economic development. It will be no value to anyone in a society to get a Ph.D. in heart surgery(手术)when neighbors cannot control diarrhea(腹泻). There will be no point in individual families practicing family planning when the larger society is untouched by similar concerns.(S5)There will be no way a libertarian will realize his cherished values in a deprived society. Similarly, there will be no way nationalist tendencies can succeed when individual men and women are weakened. Development in Africa will have to be based on a collective(集体的)effort, David Kaulem has gotten the point, “The only thing that can further true development in Africa is unity, true common spirit; Africa will not be able to base their struggle on individual effort."

    11. This passage may most probably be taken from      .

    A. a news report                   B. a life review

    C. an interview                    D. a research paper

12. What does the passage mainly talk about?

    A. Africa is a hopeless place

    B. Unity is vital to the development of Africa

    C. There are a lot of problems in African development

    D. Individuality should be focused on African development

13. Why does the author mention “Ph.D. in heart surgery”?

    A. To show that Ph. D is very important in Africa

    B. To tell us that thee are not enough doctors in Africa

    C. To illustrate that heart diseases are serious in Africa

    D. to make a contrast show that basic needs are more important in Africa

14. What David Kaulem says means that       .

    A. collective efforts is more important than individual effort

    B. individual effort is more important than collective effort

    C. Africa will not succeed without individual effort

    D. to further development in Africa, unity is not so important as individual effort

15. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    A. population control                  B. illiteracy

C. AIDS                            D. individual freedom

解析一:[生词]  enormous:大量的; underdevelopment:发展中国家;illiteracy:教育匮乏;     massive internal and exernal debts:巨额的内外债务;explosion:激增;restatement:重述;        suffer from:遭遇;mention:提及; individual:个人的;self-fulfillment:自我满足;self-realization:     自我实现;concern:关注;libertarian:自由主义者; cherished:珍视的;deprived:贫困的; tendencies:   倾向;further:继续; unity:团结。  

解析二:[答案]  11.D  这是一道文体题。判断依据在文尾的引言上。

12. B 该题考的是文章主旨。中心论点总结在文尾。

13. D  该题寻问的是作者的观点。是从间接的表述里寻求其直接含义。

14. A  这同样是推断论点题。并与考题12的表达内容相同。

15. C  这是一道细节题。用排除法较易选择。
Part II Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

16. The Prime Minister has stated that the Government does not intend to resume        Supplies of arms to either side.

   A. to lend         B. lending       C. to be lent       D. of lending

   答案:B  resume doing : :继续做….

17. He doesn’t seem at all sorry for            he has done.

   A. that           B. what       C. which       D. how

   答案:B  be sorry for+介宾

18. He deliberately         me of the incident, hoping that I might          his good memory.

   A. recalled/remind            B. recalled/remember

   C. reminded/remember         D. remembered/recall

   答案:C  remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事  deliberately有意地(=intentionally) incident:大的事件;accident:偶然的不幸的事故

19. How far was he        for what had happened?

   A. reliable           B. responsible       C. respective       D. provided

   答案:B  be responsible for : 对…负责任

20. It seems very difficult        .

   A. to stop the child to cry            B. restraining the child to cry

   C. to stop the child from crying       D. provided

   答案:C  stop sb.(from) doing sth. =prevent sb. from doing sth.: 阻止某人做某事

21. Let’s        the problem for the time being and we can return to it later.

   A. settle           B. interrupt       C. stop       D. leave

   答案:D   leave :放下; interrupt: 打断(话);settle =solve :解决(问题)

22. The purpose of this test is to measure students’         to learn instead of their present achievements.                   

   A. capacity            B. attitude       C. confidence       D. determinations

   答案:A(能力)。         态度            信心             决心    

23. Lying in hospital, the patient        the outside world by watching news programs on TV every night.

   A. kept in touch with        B. faced up to      C. turned the clock back       D. slowed down                            面临                                         减速

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