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03-06 16:56:48   浏览次数:936  栏目:九年级英语教学设计
标签:九年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 南京市建邺区2017年英语中考一模试卷,
  Have you ever heard of a famous charity called Operation Smile? We hope we can help you understand how we are trying to help children all over the world.        Operation Smile was started by a doctor and his wife. In 1982, together with some volunteers, they went to Philippines to help children who had holes in their lips or inside their mouths. It was very difficult for them to eat and drink. These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not carry on with the work because they were short of money. Then they decided to start a charity so that they could help these needy children. They called it Operation Smile.        Operation Smile works in more than twenty developing countries and has cured over 10,000 children who have problems with their mouths. Operation Smile has won many prizes for its work and in 1999 they even started a special event called "The World Journey of Hope". 5,000 children in 18 countries are cured during the event.        On the other hand, Operation Smile trains local doctors and nurses in developing countries so that they can continue to help children when Operation Smile has left. As to the children with much more serious problems, they will send them to America for further treatment.        So show your kindness and generosity to the needy children now. You can send your donation to Operation Smile at local banks. Many thanks from the children who can smile now will come to you. 31. Operation Smile is a famous _____, which was started by a doctor and his wife. A. school                    B. charity              C. building                     D. person 32. Operation Smile helps the children by _____. A. curing the children who have problems with their mouths       B. helping poor children go back to school C. helping blind children to see again      D. offering houses to homeless children 33. Five thousand children from _____ countries are cured during the event "The World Journey of Hope". A. ten                        B sixteen                  C. eighteen                    D. twenty 34. Why did they worry that they could not carry on with the work? Because  _____. A.there were no more volunteers B. they went to America for further study C. they didn't have enough money           

www.lexue88.com D.the doctors were too busy             35. What does the writer ask us to do to show our kindness and generosity to the needy children? A. To donate money at local banks. B. To be a volunteer in Philippines. C. To send cards to the needy children. D. To be a doctor of Operation Smile.   D   Recently, Chinese netizens (网民) enjoy themselves on "growing and stealing crops" on the Internet. This is a game called "Happy Farms". Now more and more people are joining in the game, and getting addicted. Some of them are even found playing the game at work. Because of this, some players have been fired by their bosses. Lovers have broken up, but none of them can stop Happy Farms from becoming more popular.   Here we interviewed some young netizens and let's see what their opinions were. Nongmin: Playing happy Farms at work, that's terrible! A clerk was fired because she was online playing it at work. King: I find that all the dreams of having houses and fields, which are very hard to get in real life, are very easy to be realized in the games. I think I know the reason why the game is so popular. Kaixin: We have to know how to control ourselves. We should keep our minds on study. Games are just games. I prefer to play sports with my classmates when I am free. Kitty: I like Happy Farms. My high-pressure work makes me feel like I can't breathe. I wish I could have a real house and farm, but it seems so far away. I have to turn to virtual(虚拟) nature for my own house and farm.   People often get tired from work or study, so they go to their own farms, take care of their crops and pull out weeds. It is really delightful to forget about the pressure. But some players work from morning to night to "grow and steal crops". They lose themselves in the game and show no interest in anything else. It is really terrible. 36. From this passage, we know that "Happy Farms" is _____. A. a popular online game               B. a kind of sport C. an interesting online film             D. a real farm 37. The word "fire" means _____ in the underlined sentence in the first paragraph. A. 火               B. 雇佣                C. 解雇                       D. 着火 38. From Kaixin's words, we can guess that he is probably a_____. A. farmer      B. worker        C. student               D. clerk 39. _____ have the similar idea about "Happy Farms". A. Nongmin and King                                B. King and Kitty   C. Kaixin and Kitty                                    D. Nongmin and Kaixin 40. From the passage, the writer thinks _____. A. "Happy farms" is good for people's work and study B. people can play "Happy farms" at night C. people should never play "Happy farms" D. "Happy farms" sometimes can help you relax but it may also cause problems   E        

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