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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?教案1

11-07 14:56:20   浏览次数:742  栏目:七年级英语教学设计
标签:七年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?教案1,

    在这一单元中,学生要学会就有关人与物之间所属关系进行问答的句子。本单元大量引入有关运动的名词,要求学生彼此询问有无此类物品,并做出相应的回答。 同时学习表示建议的句型Let's运动的形容词。
    1) 语言知识:A.在询问对方是否有某物的对话中学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句;
    B. 学会使用描述性的形容词来评价事物;
    C. 学会在对话中使用名词复数;
    D. 学会用祈使句来向对方提出建议.
    2) 语言技能:A. 学会用祈使句询问某人是否有某物;
    B. 学会向他人提出建议的句子.
    3) 学习策略:A.通过与同学讨论,做出猜测;
    4) 情感态度:A. 在本单元中,通过阅读有关运动的文章和对话,使学生更加热爱体育活动并培养一种适合自己的体育爱好;
    难点:A.学会使用描述性形容词对事物做出评价,如difficult/relaxing/collection/television 等;
    第一课时 Section  A 1a-1c
    第二课时 Section  A 2a-4
    第三课时 Section  B 1a-2c
    第四课时 Section  B 3a-4
    Period One
    Step One:Learn the new words.
    1. Present the key vocabulary.
    (Show a basketball to the class.)
    T: What's this in English?
    S1: It's a basketball.
    T: Yes,you are right. Read after me. B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L,basketball.
    Ss: B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L,basketball.
    (Show the students other objects. Teach the new words "tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball" in the same way. And then show students the picture of television and teach it.)
    T: Read the words together twice.
    Ss: …
    T: Ask and answer in pairs with these things. Use the drill "What's this in English?" and "Where is the..?"
    2. Look at the words in 1a and match the words with the things in the picture.
    T: Number 1 is (c ) ,tennis racket. What's Number 2 Match them.
    3. Ask one student to show the answers and check them.
    Step Two: Present the structures.
    1. Present these questions and answers.
    (Point to a student who has a pen or a pencil case.)
    T: Do you have a pencil case?
    S1:Yes, I do. (Nod your head yes)
    T: Do you have a computer game?
    S1: No, I don't. (Shake your head no)
    2. Practice the drill "Do you have a …?" in pairs. You can use your school things and these balls.Look at the model, then practice like this.
    Sa: Do you have a backpack?
    Sb: Yes, I do. Do you have a soccer ball?
    Sa: No, I don't. I have a volleyball.
    (Students work in pairs.)
    Step Three: Listening practice.
    T: Look at the four items of 1b in the pictures. Listen to the conversation.
    (Play the recording of 1b the first time.Students only listen.)
    T: Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear.
    (Play the recording again.)
    T: Check their answers.
    Step Four: Practice the conversations.
    1. Read the conversations in 1c.
    (Ask students to repeat.)
    2. Look at the picture in 1a and practice the conversation with each other in pairs.
    S1:Do you have…?
    S2:Yes, I do.
    S1:Do you have a …?
    S2:No, I don't.
    3. Work in groups of four and use the picture to practice the similar conversations with the new words.(television,basketball, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball,television)

www.lexue88.com     T:Ask and answer the questions as many as you can.
    S1:Do you have a … ?
    S2: …
    S1: …
    S2: …
    Step Five: Task.
    T: Make a survey about " What kind of balls do the students have?" We want to have a ball game. But we don't know what kind of balls you have. Please ask your classmates in the group what balls he/ she has. Then write down the information in the chart.
    1.Fill in the chart using the structure and models on the screen.
    Names Do you have…? Balls you have
    Structures:Do you have a …? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
    What balls do you have?
    I have a …
    S1: Do you have a tennis racket, Tom?
    S2: No, I don't.
    S1: What balls do you have?
    S2: I have basketball and football.
    S1: What about you?
    S3: …
    2.Choose one student from each group to report about his or her group.
    Report like this:She or he likes… One of them has a … But two of them have…
    Step Six: Homework.
    Make a survey about your parents' collection.
    Name collection

,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?教案1
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