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Red Amber(红琥珀)——关于吸血鬼的变态爱情

02-08 16:21:02   浏览次数:586  栏目:优秀作文
标签:中学生优秀作文,小学生优秀作文网,中考优秀作文,http://www.lexue88.com Red Amber(红琥珀)——关于吸血鬼的变态爱情,
  老师布置的作业。写恐怖或浪漫的小说,我综合了一下。根据我对吸血鬼很长时间的研究攥写出的。花了一天的时间,加入了很多心思及感情。小说以第一人称,一个男性吸血鬼的口吻展开叙述。主要反映吸血鬼的变态爱情观,却有几丝无奈与怜悯夹杂在其中。希望有人能够认真看。请大家尽量看英文,英文部分为本小说的精华所在,而中文翻译只是为了理解,失去了很多好的文采。             Red Amber     The crinoline of her dark flammulated dress swirled and swayed, sweeping into every corner of the stage. Bits of her ruddy cheeks sparkled as the amber glinted in dazzling lights. ach gentle wave, each tender step was full of passion and life. The red amber hanging from her neck flickered and swung from side to side, as she raised herself up in the air and fluttered like a Junoesque fairy. That striking bit of red caught my sight. I’ve never seen such strong a color, which almost…almost touched me, in a queer way.       I knew she reminds me of someone, someone that I long knew. She woke up this feeling inside me, the same feeling I used to have.       My heart froze as she approached the audience, bowing and smiling. I could see her pale, white face, but healthy and warm. It suddenly brought me to visions of the past, the same stage, the same blonde hair and that sweet smile, and of course, the same color of red.       Yes, that must be it! Ruby…she looked so much like Ruby. I could feel Ruby in my blood.       Though it has been hundreds of years since I’ve last seen Ruby, I still remember her face clearly. Straight blonde hair, with tints of brown. And that mysterious looking blue eyes of hers, could almost glance into one’s soul. She was a dancer in the downtown theatre, just a lot of singing and dancing, pretty much the same as what dancers do now, after hundreds of years passed by. I have always watched her performances, it kept me busy through unsleeping nights, and it gave me sweet dreams during the day. She had always worn a gorgeous red dress in her performances, guess it was because of her name, she loved the color red.  I did too.,Red Amber(红琥珀)——关于吸血鬼的变态爱情
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