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Young volunteers作文700字

01-24 15:17:33   浏览次数:871  栏目:高一作文
标签:高一作文大全,高一作文题目,高一作文精选,http://www.lexue88.com Young volunteers作文700字,

  Lu Hao is a middle school student in Guizhou, who joined the “1 helps 1” program of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project last year. Every Tuesday and Friday he visits an old man who lives alone. “Mr. Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself, so I give him some help. I help do some shopping, do some housework, or read the newspaper to him as his eyesight is not good.” He said. www.lexue88.com

  Meng Yu is studying for her master’s dee in Canada. She has a busy timetable, but still finds time for voluntary activities during the weekends. “Last month I took part in an event to help hungry in some of the less developed villages. Twenty-two of us went without food for 30 hours! It was a challenge, but we could drink as much as we liked and we had a doctor there, so it was not dangerous. We wanted to improve awareness of hunger ause every day are dying of starvation. It was a at success. The local newspaper and TV reported it and we received many donations.” 内容来自www.lexue88.com,作文从此更轻松

  Lu Hao, Lin Ying and Meng Yu are all helping to make other people’s lives better. Would you like to make a difference by oming a volunteer? www.lexue88.com,专业的中小学生作文网站

  You’re careful of using pronunciation. You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences. No one is without faults. You'd better use "third person" in the first para. www.lexue88.com

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