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04-06 15:55:30   浏览次数:362  栏目:历年真题
标签:全国职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试真题,http://www.lexue88.com 2010职称英语考试真题综合类A级试题及答案-补全短文,



  Why Study Mathematics

  There’s something else you shouldn’t forget. There are lots of times when more math would help you in your everyday affairs.

  No long ago a man in Milwaukee was arrested for speeding. The policeman, who had been stationing at a street comer, didn’t check the speed on the man’s motorcycle, but just guessed at it. ______(46).

  The man said that he had stopped his car at the traffic light on the corner where the policeman was stationed. ______ (47).

  The driver then proved mathematically that no car could have picked up speed fast enough to be exceeding the limit at the spot where he was arrested. The judge let him off. ______ (48). You may be the kind of person who needs to know something about advanced math to get the most out of life. Some people go on from day to day, having a good time and not caring much about anything else. ______ (49).

  They are interested in life and other people, and what makes things happen the way they do. ______ (50).

  If you are that kind of person, you almost have to learn something about the more advanced branch of math. There will be no other way to understand the things you become curious about.

  A. The policeman admitted this.

  B. But many people are not content to live that way.

  C. They are curious about things.

  D. But there is one more reason why you should study math now.

  E. The man admitted this.

  F. The man and the policeman went before a judge in the police court.


tag: 历年真题,全国职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试真题,职称英语考试试题 - 历年真题

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