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04-06 15:55:21   浏览次数:772  栏目:历年真题
标签:全国职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试真题,http://www.lexue88.com 2010职称英语考试真题综合类B级试题及答案-补全短文,




  Fire-fighting Fabric

  Each year thousands of people worldwide are killed or seriously injured by fires started in mattresses. ____(46). To help prevent fires in crowded public spaces, E.I.Du Pont de Nemours & Co. recently invented a fire-resistant fabric. The company claims that this fabric significantly reduces the combustibility of mattresses and upholstered furniture. In tests conducted by a Boston-based hotel chain, the material has proved very efficient in preventing or delaying the combustion of mattresses and furniture after fires have been started. ____(47). California and several other states are considering new regulations that would require the use of fire-resistant furniture in public places (defined as area where 10 or more people gather). ____(48). American laws require hotels to buy fire-resistant mattress covers, though covers made of fiber glass and cotton do exist and are used by some companies. ____(49).

  The Du-Pont fabric will well for less than $ 5 a yard and it is believed that the market will develop over the next two years. ______(50).

  A. The development of the material is timely.

  B. And last year, England passed a law requiring that all furniture contain fine-resistant material.

  C. The company expects that the competition will be very strong in the market because right now, its product is just one option.

  D. And there are some expects.

  E. Often the fires occur in hotels and are caused by people smoking in bed.

  F. However, the cotton covers wash out over time and the fiber glass is not very comfortable.


tag: 历年真题,全国职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试真题,职称英语考试试题 - 历年真题

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