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02-11 17:23:33   浏览次数:381  栏目:经典台词
标签:电影经典台词,经典台词大全,蜗居经典台词,http://www.lexue88.com 乱世佳人的经典语录,


i will take your kiss even you don\'t love me?

“Did it ever occur to you that I loved you as much as a man can love a woman? Loved you for years before I finally got you? During the war I’d go away and try to forget you, but I couldn’t and I always had to come back. After the war I risked arrest, just to come back and find you. I cared so much I believe I would have killed Frank Kennedy if he hadn’t died when he did. I loved you but I couldn’t let you know it. You’re so brutal to those who love you, Scarlett. You take their love and hold it over their heads like a whip.”
You are throw away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for somrthing that will never make you happy.

As God is my witness!As God is my witness!They are not going to lick me!I\'m going to live through this,and when it\'s all over,I\'ll never be hungry again!No,nor any of my folks.If I have lie,steal,cheat or kill.As God is my witness! I\'ll never be hungry!,乱世佳人的经典语录


tag: 经典台词,电影经典台词,经典台词大全,蜗居经典台词,语录大全 - 经典台词

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