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11-07 14:50:42   浏览次数:626  栏目:个人简历范文
标签:英文简历范文,英语简历范文,求职简历范文,http://www.lexue88.com 出纳自我评价范文,


    english:I hold office here since Nov.1st,20xx,obedience to leadership,willing to work,and shows assiduity in charge of all my work,well professional ethics,well-behaved,endure hardship and work hard,do everything without complaint despite hardships and criticism.In a short time,I'm quickly familiar with and skilled in cashier,which is strong specilized in fanacial work.During  this period,mistake never occurs.United with relationship between superior and subordinate.Under arrange with superior,I have accomplished every work as quickly and correctly as I can,whether do my bit or not.Because of young,I'll put all my resources of energe in the company.In the future while accomplish my own work,strengthen the study of every work,such as business,etc.Continuing to raise and perfect to own business quality and efficiency.I'll never fail to live up to what the learship's trust in and expect of me.Make my own contribution to the company grow stronger。


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