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友谊英语名言 A friend without faults

05-10 22:47:26   浏览次数:834  栏目:名言警句
标签:关于读书的名言警句,勤奋的名言警句,http://www.lexue88.com 友谊英语名言 A friend without faults,

Without a friend the world is a wilderness. 没有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。

When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 朋友的要求不要拖。

We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours. 生活可无友,邻居不能无。

We can live without a brother, but not without a friend. 我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。

Thy friend has a friend and thy friend’s friend has a friend so be discreet. 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。

Life without a friend is death without a witness. 在世无朋友,死后无证人。

He that has a full purse never wants a friend. 只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。

Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is. 友谊地久天长。

Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs. 友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。
,友谊英语名言 A friend without faults

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