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02-10 16:55:45   浏览次数:107  栏目:高中英语语法
标签:高中英语语法大全,高中英语语法总结,http://www.lexue88.com 比较等级考题小练,

1. I’m ______ at sums than Jean, but better at history.
A. moreB. less
C. worseD. cleverer
2. We couldn’t have picked ______ day for the picnic — it rained nonstop.
A. a worseB. a worst
C. the worseD. the worst
3. This bird is really lovely, and I’ve never seen ______ one.
A. a finerB. a finest
C. the finerD. the finest
4. His pronunciation is bad, but mine is ______.
A. no betterB. no more
C. even betterD. even more
5. Holiday flights are getting ______ expensive, and we can go by plane.
A. more and moreB. less and less
C. by farD. so much
6. Generally speaking, the younger you are, ______ to learn.
A. it is easierB. the easier it is
C. it is easyD. it is easier
7. We were very tired, for we walked ______ 20 miles that day.
A. less thanB. no less than
C. no more thanD. only
8. You are ______ careful than your brother. You two can’t do the work that needs care and skill.
A. not moreB. no more
C. not lessD. no less
9. “Oh, how fat he is!” “But I think he is ______ than fat.”
A. shortB. shorter
C. more shortD. shortest
10. In my apartment there are two rooms, ______ is used as a living room.
A. larger oneB. the larger of which
C. the largest oneD. the largest of which

11. “Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of beer?” “____ will do, but milk is _____ popular with me.”
A. Neither, notB. Both, more
C. Either, the mostD. All, the most
12. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _____IQ.
A. a highB. a higher
C. the higherD. the highest
13. “Are you satisfied with his answer?” “Not at all. It couldn’t have been ____.”
A. betterB. worse
C. moreD. less
14. Houses cost one third more this year ______ they did five years ago.
A. asB. so
C. thanD. over
15. It was _______ than I thought. I could hardly believe my eyes.
A. much badB. much badly
C. much worseD. more bad (from www.lexue88.com)
1—5 CAAAA 6—10 BBBCB 11—15 CBBCC



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