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03-06 16:46:30   浏览次数:745  栏目:考前模拟试题
标签:职称英语考试技巧,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试答案,http://www.lexue88.com 2017年职称英语考试试题及答案_理工类测试题_阅读理解,
  Money Belt: A money belt is especially helpful when you have many documents to carry around (as you always do in Eastern Europe). The best one we found is made by Eagle Creek Travel Gear, 143 Cedros Ave. (P. O. box 651), Solona Beach CA 92075 (tel. 619/755-9399, or toll free 800/874-9925 outside California).
  Traveler's Checks: These are essential. Bring your traveler's checks in small to medium de-nomination ($10, $20, or $50) to change a little bit at a time, so as not to be left with a lot of local currency. To be on the safe side, be sure to copy down the check numbers in two places, just in case something happens to the checks.

  41. The author suggests that when you go to Eastern Europe, you only need to bring your ________
  A. smart clothing.        
  B. everyday clothes.
  C. formal dresses.        
  D. raincoat.

  42. What items mentioned in the text are about money matters? ________
  A. Money belts and language tools.
  B. Batteries and other electric devices.
  C. Cash and electric current adapters.
  D. Cash and traveler's checks.

  43. Which of the following statements is NOT a fact? ________
  A. The electricity in Eastern Europe uses 220 volts A.C.
  B. Eastern European languages can be a problem to foreign travelers.
  C. No shop in Eastern Europe accepts hard currency.
  D. Travelers may need to carry many documents in Eastern Europe.

  44. Eagle Creek Travel Gear is a company manufacturing ________
  A. money belts.
  B. calculations.
  C. cassettes.
  D. electric current adapters.

  45. This passage is probably taken from ________
  A. a bank statement
  B. a traveler's guide.
  C. a holiday advertisement.
  D. an electrical safety booklet.

答案:  31.A  32.B  33.D  34.C  35.A
  36.D  37.A  38.B  39.D  40.A
  41.B  42.D  43.C  44.A  45.B

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