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英语演讲:"The Great Silent Majority"

03-31 12:36:21   浏览次数:265  栏目:英语演讲稿
标签:名人英语演讲,英语演讲mp3,英语演讲稿范文,http://www.lexue88.com 英语演讲:"The Great Silent Majority",

Tonight, I do not tell you that the war in Vietnam is the war to end wars, but I do say this:

I have initiated a plan which will end this war in a way that will bring us closer to that great goal to which Woodrow Wilson and every American President in our history has been dedicated -- the goal of a just and lasting peace.

As President I hold the responsibility for choosing the best path for that goal and then leading the nation along it.

I pledge to you tonight that I shall meet this responsibility with all of the strength and wisdom I can command, in accordance with your hopes, mindful of your concerns, sustained by your prayers.

Thank you.

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,英语演讲:"The Great Silent Majority"
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